Sunday, November 13, 2022

Day of the Animals

Day of the Animals is not a sequel to 1976's Grizzly. Same producer, same director, a few of the same actors, released the following year. Sure, but it's definitely its own thing. Day of the Animals asks the question, "What if, instead of making Jaws, we made The Birds?" In the movie, a group of hikers fight for their lives after the depleted ozone layer causes animals to go crazy and attack people. And you better believe this movie is chock full of animals. There's tons of gorgeous second unit animal footage and a surprising amount of footage of trained animals interacting with/attacking the actors/stunt doubles. If nothing else, I will tell you that this is a movie where a bare chested Leslie Neilsen both throttles a child and wrestles a bear. If that doesn't pique your interest, then you and I are very different people.

Rating: 69%

(Image from Wikipedia)

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