Saturday, October 29, 2022

Island of the Fishmen

A lifeboat drifting in the Caribbean Sea lands on an uncharted volcanic island. The survivors, a military doctor and some prisoners, are immediately attacked by grotesque, bipedal fishmen. Those lucky enough to escape their first encounter with the fishmen soon find the island's other inhabitants: a wealthy brute, his servants, a beautiful woman, a disgraced scientist and a voodoo priestess. The scientist believes that the fishmen are the next phase of human evolution, while his benefactor only sees the fishmen as a means to salvage treasure from the sunken city of Atlantis. Island of the Fishmen is a little slow at times and features a couple instances of animal cruelty that likely weren't simulated, which is par for the course for Italian genre films of the time. The fishmen look pretty good, almost like a cross between a CHUD and the Sea Devils from Doctor Who. For the film's US release, Roger Corman's New World Pictures added a new opening and changed the title to Something Waits in the Dark. The film's sleazy trailer featured footage from Humanoids from the Deep, another New World Pictures release that featured killer fishmen. After Something Waits in the Dark bombed, the movie's title was changed to Screamers. Infamously, the trailer for Screamers was made up of gruesome footage shot by Jim Wynorski, none of which was added into the movie.

Island of the Fishmen
Rating: 61%

Screamers (Currently available to stream on Tubi)
Rating: 59%

(Image from Wikipedia)

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