Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Monster of Peladon

The Doctor brings Sarah to Peladon, eager to find out how things have been on the planet since his last visit. Unfortunately, the TARDIS overshoots the mark, arriving some fifty years after the Doctor intended. Peladon is once again in turmoil. A civil war threatens to break out and the deadly specter of Aggedor looms over everyone. If The Monster of Peladon is remembered for anything, it has to be for its terrible wigs. The previous Peladon serial, The Curse of Peladon, established that the people of Peladon have weird two-tone hair. The costume department really leaned into that choice in Monster of Peladon and they gave the miners bizarre badger-like afros. They are rather ridiculous. Also, the Doctor seemingly dies several times during this serial. Possibly to soften the blow for what's about to come around the corner. 

Rating: I've always been very keen on survival%

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