Lookin' Out the Screen Door is, so far as I know, East Texas' own Adam Carroll's first full length album, and boy does it kick some ass. Included here is a ballad to Ol' Milwaukee beer, a crazy-awesome song about Sno Cones, a ballad for Blondie and Dagwood and the best song about Galveston I know of (I'm looking at you,
Glen Campbell). Like
Bone, Carroll is a better writer than about half the people in MFA programs. So praise be to Allah!
Listen for yourself.
Rating: 88%
Half? Surely you exaggerate. MFA students are the antennae of the race.
about half, which is 'merican for roughly half.
Weird. When I posted the link to the song, it played the whole song. Is that not true now?
Why would any woman who would refuse, properly, to take the marital vow of obedience (on the ground, presumably, that subservience to a mere human being is beneath human dignity) then regard as “liberating” a job that puts her under the authority of a boss (man or woman) whose authority specifically requires and expects obedience? It is easy enough to see why women came to object to the role of Blondie, a mostly decorative custodian of a degraded, consumptive modern household, preoccupied with clothes, shopping, gossip, and outwitting her husband. But are we to assume that one may fittingly cease to be Blondie by becoming Dagwood? Is the life of a corporate underling— even acknowledging that corporate underlings are well paid—an acceptable end to our quest for human dignity and worth?
Wendell Berry, "Feminism, the Body and the Machine" (emphasis added)
Dear Wendell or Ani,
Prolly true. But your wife doesn't appear to be the happiest hen in the hen-house.
Goddammit motherfucking shit. I meant go to here.
Ani does dudes now. She is married to a mans.
Some day you are gonna get hungry and eat all of the words you just said!
My favorite Allen Carroll song is Fireflies.
Yeah I guess Ani got pretty freaking hungry.
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