Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Batman: Hush

I always wondered where it was exactly that Jeph Loeb went from pretty decent comic book writer to big old piece of doodie. Turns out it was somewhere around part 8 of this year long storyline from 2002-2003. The plot is a long-forgotten childhood friend of Bruce Wayne comes back into his life at the same time a mysterious new figure starts stalking Batman. I WONDER WHO IT COULD BE. The worst part is when we hear the guy's motivation - because Bruce Wayne's father saved the kid's mother from death after his parents were in a car accident he caused. Then he had to wait until he was 18 to get his parents' wealth how awful. At least Jim Lee's art is pretty.



John from Daejeon said...

Cable, X-Man, and X-Force were really good when he was helming them.

"where it was exactly that Jeph Loeb went from pretty decent comic book writer to big old piece of doodie. Turns out it was somewhere around part 8 of this year long storyline from 2002-2003"

That was when his son began to lose his fight with cancer.

DCP said...

Oh, right, I forgot about that. Now I feel like a real dingleberry.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

cancer card

I.J. said...

However bad it got, it can't be worse than season 4 of Superntural.