Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As you might expect from somebody who loves grapefruit so much, I also like grapefruit flavored soda. And by that I mean Fresca, since it's the only grapefruit flavored soda there is in the United States. It's tart and has zero calories so you might as well drink it unless you don't want brain cancer since it does have exactly one buttload of aspartame in it.


(I'm clearly in a good mood, handing out all these high scores tonight)


Anonymous said...

Squirt is also a grapefruit flavored drink. The Wikipedia article about Squirt also mentions Grapefruit, the Wallmart version, which I haven't tried.

laurie said...

Fresca has zero calories? Jesus damn christ why didn't anyone tell me that!!

laurie said...

Fresca has zero calories? Jesus damn christ why didn't anyone tell me that!!

Anonymous said...

I like Fresca, even though I haven't drank it in awhile. Never tried Squirt, though.


laurie said...

Jacqui honey I think the grammar police are coming after you for that comment...

John said...

Everybody knows the past participle of to drink is dranken.

Grapefruit interferes with my blood pressure meds. I wonder if Fresca would.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Yes, everyone does know that. SORRY: "I haven't DRANKEN it in awhile."

The lesson here is to proofread, apparently, before leaving a comment. Luckily, I am much more obsessive about proofreading my poetry than my blog comments--particularly since I have to defend my thesis on Tuesday.


DCP said...

Dranken? I thought it was dronk.

laurie said...

I always liked drunked.