Monday, March 31, 2008


Poker is a sport. That's a huge controversy. But it is. Get over it. If hot dog eating contests are sports, then so is poker. Especially Texas Hold'em. It involves strategy, someone who is psychology astute, extreme risks, etc. It forces on to think strategically. I'm all for poker becoming mainstream. I love watching poker on TV. I give poker as sport 90%.


DCP said...

Does that make Chess or Snakes And Ladders sports, too?

Nick said...

Well, as you know, chess is considered a sport, at least by many. And *of course* Chutes and Ladders (I'm assuming that's what you meant) is a sport. I'd add Operation, Clue, and Yhatzee in there as well.

Seriously, I watched a hot dog eating contest on ESPN. ESPN? For the love of Pete! Poker, especially Texas Hold'em, is extremely fast paces competitive, and it involves a lot of brain power, intuition, and strategy.

I'm a decent poker placer; we should play poker sometime.

DCP said...

I'm a bad poker player. That might make you want to play me more.

Nick said...

Only if we were going to play for real money. But neither one of us has that.