Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Cleaning itself is totally lame. I hate doing it, and will procrastinate by virtually any means to get out of it (including updating blogs). However, it's really satisfying to have a clean apartment, or a clean house for all you rich homeowners unlike me. So that's one good aspect about cleaning, and also if you have cats if you don't clean regularly then your allergies get really bad like me.



laurie said...

Yeah cleaning totally sucks. My apartment is covered in papers and laundry (clean and dirty). Thankfully I live alone and am single so no one except me and my cat have to see it. And the cat doesn't seem to mind.

John said...
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John said...

Spelling mistake. I like clutter, but not dirt. A clean, tidy house gives me peace of mind, but I have to clean it, because my wife is obsessed with stacking small things on top of big things and putting stuff in drawers and I never know where my shit is. My biggest problem is the little shreds of pipe tobacco that I spill all over the floor. When I was in third year, I lived with three cigarette smokers who rolled their own smokes and a non-smoking dog owner. The dog owner was pissed because there was always tobacco everywhere, and the cigarette smokers/rollers were pissed because they couldn't sweep their tobacco back up and smoke it because it always had dog hair in it.

I think I broke the unwritten rule about leaving a comment that's longer than the post. Don't narc to the blog police.