Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well, some of you (by some I mean two) may have noticed that I haven't posted in a few days, and that is because my girlfriend and I took a little vacation to visit my brother in Meridian, Mississippi. He's stationed up there for some training he has to do and it turns out he is bored as hell, with good reason, so I decided it would be cool to drop in. Anyway, it was great to see him and fun to hang out, but from the looks of it Mississippi is a pretty boring and uneventful place to live. For instance, everything closes at 6 on Sunday, so if you decide to do something that isn't go to church then you are pretty much out of luck pallie. Also, the restrooms there are dirty and people don't like to be very nice I guess, although it was a fun trip no thanks to Mississippi.



Anonymous said...

I hate to say that I agree, because I'm going to school in Mississippi. On the bright side, Oxford is one of the better places to be in Mississippi--for the creative writing program, if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. That last comment was left be me. Jacqui. St. Patty's Guinness has gotten. The disadvantage of having a class meeting in a bar.


Anonymous said...

That is, "St. Patty's has gotten TO ME." Sigh...I give up on the typos.


PS--Liked your piece of Flash fiction by the way. Good stuff.

laurie said...

Like most things in the South, Mississippi frightens me.

laurie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Can't blame you there, Laurie.
