Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ultimate X-Men Vol. 1: The Tomorrow People

When Marvel first announced their "ultimate" line of comics, a "rebooting" of some of their popular franchises, I was at first totally opposed. Mainly because of the cover art you see to your left; it looks like Wolverine is a teenager or something, and I thought it was going to be very childish rehashings of classic tales. It turns out that the books were in fact awesome, and this first volume of Ultimate X-Men is no different. I don't really recommend going to the store and picking up the latest issue, because you would be totally confused, but go to Borders or something and read the first 5 or 6 volumes of Ultimate X-Men in the store, and you won't be disappointed. It's a strongly sophisticated analogy of government fueled paranoia regarding terrorists and our reprehensible treatment of homosexuals in contemporary American society and it's got a lot of explosions.



John said...

Marvel Schmarvel. You need to read you some 100 Bullets. It's hard as fuck.

DCP said...

Well I like Azzarello. Maybe I should check it out.

Anonymous said...

I like homosexuals. I also like America. I don't know, however, how I feel about comic books.

-Laurie (C) (writing from another computer) (yours)