Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I really like pears, although I don't know if I can say I like them as much as apples because they lack the versatility. Anyway, when I was a kid I was often forced to pick apples for some reason, and every apple orchard had like one or two pear trees. I always wanted to pick and eat the pears, because that was like a rare treat, but instead I had to pick and not even think about eating a bunch of apples. At least it wasn't as bad as picking strawberries.



Jen said...

I must know why you were forced to pick apples so often! I hadn't done that until I moved to DC, and it was such a treat!

John said...

Picking strawberries sucked ass. The chicken shit they used as fertilizer stank like rotten lobster, and the pay was terrible.

Anonymous said...

You may remember me saying this in comments to your previous reviews, but I'll say it again:


Now I must go to Kroger and buy some more.


John said...

In Korea they have giant pears. Those pear-y grains in 'em are, like, the size of peas. Chopped up, they go good with hard liquor, as does every other food in Korea.

DCP said...

Picking apples isn't really a treat when your parents make you do it because they think it is fun/can get more fruit faster.

LoCo said...

You picked apples! I might cry.