Monday, September 1, 2008

My Cat Thelonious

The only bad thing about Thelonious is that he has a tendency to sneeze on my roommate and guests. Otherwise he's quite adorable and friendly. And very cuddly. All the things a good cat needs to be.

Rating: 95% (5 off for the sneezing)


DCP said...

Thelonious is a good cat, although he sneezes and seems to have a cold an awful lot. Also, he never really warmed up to me despite all my best efforts.

John said...

I forget which comedian famously said, "If you like boxes of shit in your house, get a cat."

I find male cats are usually more affectionate and less skittish. Or maybe I'm just a man's man.

LoCo said...

Thelonious is lovely! He's a chill little cat.