Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Was it just a typo that you guys added an "s" to internet or do you actually have more than one? I always seem to be the last to hear about new tech developments.
I always call the internet internets because I like to make fun of George Bush. He called it internets once and has been mocked ever since. Here's the clip from the youtubes: Internets!
Internet, shminternet. I'd be happy to get confirmation that everyone is still alive.
Well Glenn and Laurie are fine and I'm sure he would have mentioned if everyone else wasn't. So I think we can assume everyone is fine.
Well, that's good news. After all that pre-Ike bravado, losing contact when the internets got cut off was quite dramatic.
Was it just a typo that you guys added an "s" to internet or do you actually have more than one? I always seem to be the last to hear about new tech developments.
I always call the internet internets because I like to make fun of George Bush. He called it internets once and has been mocked ever since. Here's the clip from the youtubes:
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