Saturday, September 13, 2008

Having your internets knocked out by Ike

Glenn tells me this sucks real bad.

Rating: 3%


John said...

Internet, shminternet. I'd be happy to get confirmation that everyone is still alive.

laurie said...

Well Glenn and Laurie are fine and I'm sure he would have mentioned if everyone else wasn't. So I think we can assume everyone is fine.

John said...

Well, that's good news. After all that pre-Ike bravado, losing contact when the internets got cut off was quite dramatic.

Anonymous said...

Was it just a typo that you guys added an "s" to internet or do you actually have more than one? I always seem to be the last to hear about new tech developments.

laurie said...

I always call the internet internets because I like to make fun of George Bush. He called it internets once and has been mocked ever since. Here's the clip from the youtubes: