Sunday, September 7, 2008


Guns are a troubling issue for me. On the one hand they're incredibly dangerous in the hands of the untrained, and are responsible for a lot of death. Then again, I also believe a person's civil liberties shouldn't be restricted because of morons. Guns helped us win the Revolutionary War and that's a good thing, but now guns are being used in wars abroad for not good things. Ironically, we glorify guns in movies but remind people they're no joke in real life. I'm not implying violence in movies or anything else is responsible for violence in reality, but it's just funny that some people who are against guns still find a means of glorification in other realms. I'll never join the NRA, but just like banning abortion or continuing the War on Drugs is not a solution, neither is restricting the right to gun ownership. Also, I like guns because it's a lot harder to hunt deer with a bow and arrow. Not that I'm going hunting anytime soon.



John said...

I want to get a gun on account of our apartment is on the ground floor, leaving us vulnerable to crime and zombies, but my wife says, "no." She told me I could get a baseball bat instead, but then she brought home a T-ball bat, so I just took it back, and right now we don't have anything.

Chris said...

Yeah, I imagine it has got to be a tough call when you've got a kid around too. Although my father owns enough guns and artillery to run a small militia I never once got interested in them until I was much older. By that I mean like 6 months ago.

laurie said...

I thought you weren't allowed to have guns in Canada? Or handguns at least. Right?

laurie said...

Wait, why did I think you were in Canada? wtf....

John said...

No handguns in Canada. No guns in Texas for Canadians (i.e. me). I'd have to get one illegally if I got one at all, which doesn't really bother me, but my wife isn't crazy about the idea. I think that in the case that I'd have to use it, the legal consequences would be a non-issue.

laurie said...

As an attorney (sort of), I'd have to advise against buying a gun illegally. If you did have to use your gun and had any liability at all (criminal or civil), it would certainly be increased (probably greatly) if the gun was purchased illegally. I would especially be wary of this is Texas where they like to hang people for breaking the law.

John said...

Thanks for the advice. Really, if I had the money for a gun, I'd fix my car.