Wednesday, September 3, 2008


White is a color that we all probably know, and if you've never heard of it before then congratulations pallie, you don't live in America. White is the the most useless crayon, but the most common paint. It is also the most common way the pinkest people refer to themselves all over the planet Earth for some reason. Some people say white represents life, and others say it represents death. Vanilla ice cream is white, and while it is the most boring flavor, it is also the most welcoming to the addition of toppings. The KKK wears white because they are chickens and also racist, and also they say things like "White Power," a phrase I am now incapable of hearing without thinking of Dave Chappelle. One of my students claimed today that white was her favorite color, and since she was white I assumed that to be a race thing. White chocolate is not really chocolate at all, but people like it for some reason or other, I don't, it's gross. White is the color of skeletons and ghosts, but not Halloween cats or witches, they are mostly black and green, respectively. If your hair is white it either means you are old or you got scared real bad. Paper is white, but ink is black, a juxtaposition a lot of undergrads think is poetic, but in actuality is nonsensical. Well, in conclusion white is everywhere, especially on this Corn Flakes box next to my computer so see ya wouldn't want to be ya as Shakespeare said (he was also white).



Anonymous said...

Hi there! The color white is great. Nice review! I see you used my white photo. Could you please attribute the photo link to the original page so your readers can find it? Thanks so much!

John said...

Remember The Peanut Butter Solution? That dude got scared really bad and went bald. That first comment must be a joke, because any idiot can tell that your picture is actually a close up photo of my ass.

LoCo said...

White is not a useless crayon if you're drawing on un-white construction paper.