Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I think haircuts are great. If you're like me you let your hair get too long because you're too lazy, but it's great because then people are like "Oh hey, you got a haircut?" And usually I just shake my head "no" because that was a rhetorical question, I think. They are also fun because you can totally change your whole look by cutting your hair, but remember, the haircut does not make the man. I tried to convince my parents to let me shave something cool into my hair a long time ago. Maybe I could have shaved a terradactyl onto my head. That would have been really cool. However once, on a dare, I cut my hair pretty short and that was a bad idea because I found out I've got an ugly head.



John said...

I bic my hair right off. It's cheaper, and better than the Dave Letterman thing I'd have going on if I didn't. When I want to totally change my look, I put on pants.

Chris said...

Oh see, that's way more dramatic than even a good haircut. Well, that definitely wins then.