Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 2 Disc 3

"Second Sight" - Sisko falls in love with some woman's imaginary friend. Terrible.


"Sanctuary" - A bunch of ugly faced aliens come through the wormhole and ask if they can live on Bajor. Turns out they don't want the refugees, and they make the Bajorans feel real guilty which is the only good part.


"Rivals" - A con man gets some space device that can either increase or decrease your luck, and the station's luck goes all screwy. Pretty funny, and is devoid of sense in the way the best TOS episodes are.


"The Alternate" - There is some shapeshifting monster loose on the station. Spoilers - it's Odo, the only shapeshifter on the station.



John said...

Ugly faced aliens? On DS9? As long as you don't tell me next that the sets were drab and everyone was in a bad mood.

Sarah said...

My stepdad used to not let us talk to him when we got home from school because Star Trek was on. I had a happy childhood...

By the way, my old blog web address is now a porn site. Classy!

Chris said...

I thought no one watched DS9? Is that just stupid to say?