1000 is a number that I probably would lose patience if I had to count to. If I had $1000 that would be pretty sweet, but if I got a ticket for $1000 I bet I would run away from the cops. The Roman numeral for 1000 is "M," but you can also use the letters "K" and "G" to represent it. One time we all said it was the Millennium and got scared, but really it was like the beginning of the third millennium since year zero CE so who cares Mathman. Anyway, it's nice to get to post 1000 on a blog if you have
one, but the downside is there's not really another
milestone for 4000 more posts so get cracking.
RATING: 1000% duh.
PS - Maybe in the comments you all could link back to some of your favorite reviews from the past year. Kind of like a retrospective except I don't have to do any of the work.
Here's an all-time favorite.
Fucking one trick pony. Well, I hardly have time to read R3 now that I'm so busy with P3, but I rather enjoyed our classic review of Fence Magazine, and by "our" I mean "your." Also, in retrospect this was one of your better MS Paint jobs, and I'm not just saying that because it's right next to the review of Fence. And who could forget that quick and dirty review that paid homage to my 2 favorite performers and my favorite American cesspool all in 1 paragraph?
Those strings of theme reviews that you guys did that I'm too lazy to search for were also cool. In fact, the quality seemed to pick up while I was away at French camp in the summer.
I liked the review on Scheherazade. You the one that contained about 1001 hilarious links.
Also, the review that revealed the truth about Sinbad's white supremacist inclinations was pretty great. Swastika on the shirt, who knew?
Stupid dead link. P3.
My favorite review was the one about "Instead Cups." Loco, with support from female commentators, nearly convinced me that such a torture product actually exists and that some women actually use it. Bravo you almost fooled me.
I don't believe in periods--I think women's vaginas bleed out of psychosomatic penis envy. I think Freud said that first.
the only things i read on this blog are the titles and my own coments
(im the best hting that ever happened to yall)
Our favorite commentator is McTavish. His jokes about John having sex with animals are deranged but deliriously funny.
*B L U S H*
I don't know how you beat that post about your trip to Arkansas. I even put my name in for a free Arkansas vacation kit!
You think that's a joke? I'm a fucking animal porn star on three continents! And McTavish is my cameraman and mentor. You wankers obviously haven't seen Spit Roast #15. I got a congratulatory email from Matthew Barney himself on that cocksucker.
Here, I'll do a favorite of everybody, starting with me.
A favorite review that young man Glenn has done are A Banana I Saw On The Ground Yesterday.
One of my favorites Laurie has done is the review for Tofurkey.
For Nick, our long absent poster, I liked Pet Sounds .
The review of mummies is one I liked by Chris.
Although commenting was disabled (probably a good idea knowing internet crazies), Loco's review of nine eleven was really good.
It's not a really traditional review, but one John did that I always laugh about is The Thing That Should Not Be.
Loren's only done a few reviews here and there so this pick seems obvious, but I like his breakdown of The Intermittent Poster.
Bryan's had a lot of hilarious review so I feel like a dick picking his shortest, but so help me if you read the blog in order if $1 Amazing Cocaine Flavored Doomdoesn't crack me up every time.
I liked Evan's review of boners, which isn't necessarily to be confused with liking Evan's boner.
Finally, though he's just had three so far I liked Viking Andrew's take on Camaros, though maybe if I liked fiction I would have preferred his review of John Updike.
Of course I can't pick a top review for Laura Eve or Maranatha yet since neither has written one, but I'm sure that will be fixed by post 2000.
I platonically love you, Glenn. Not like I'd love a horse or a sheep, of course, but still.
R3 greatest hits read like something from the NYT Best Seller list.
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