Friday, February 6, 2009

Punisher: The Slavers

I'm opposed to capital punishment, but I think if there's any crime whose perpetrator's deserve execution, it's human trafficking. So although this is just a fictional comic with a character created for kids in the 70s, I have to say watching the Punisher disembowel, decapitated, and perforate a bunch of guys running a sex slave ring is pretty satisfying. Of course, that doesn't do anything to stop actual human trafficking, but I suppose the more people are exposed to this in the media, the more it will alert them to the problem in reality. Anyway, I just told you the plot, but one additional thing that Garth Ennis does in his Punisher run (since Frank Castle himself is not very three dimensional) is introduce side characters and plots to help inject some humanity into the story. I think it's a smart move, and the side story about the two cop partners and their strained relationship is pretty good, and I guess you can't really have a comic that's 99% murder.



Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

its pretty impressive he can do all that stuf without a head

LipstickMom123 said...

It's good to see a blog that is as supportive of the second amendment as this little filly! Got my .32 underneath the pillow in case of terrorism!

LoCo said...

"I love from butter pecan
to blackberry molass'
I don't discriminate, I regulate every shade of the ass
Long as you show class,
and pass my test
Fat ass and breasts,
highly intelligent bachelorettes
That's the best, I won't settle for less..."- Big Punisher

LoCo said...

Just what I've always thought -- no one can follow Big Pun.