Monday, February 16, 2009

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 2 Disc 5

"Playing God" - The interesting story of a pocket universe's expansion threatening to destroy DS9 is sidestepped for the boring story about Dax and some lame dude.


"Profit And Loss" - Love story between Quark and some Cardassian broad. Should have called it "Forehead Bump and Forehead Bump."


"Blood Oath" - A trio of Klingons from TOS come back to join Dax for some revenge killing, only guess what, she cops out at the end. "Starfleet" is futurese for "pussy" no offense.


"The Maquis, Part One" - Some farmer colonists start being terrorists, and Sisko and his pal Gul Dukat get captured by them to be continued.



laurie said...

Well I guess this saves me the trouble of calling to ask if you've found a job yet.

Anonymous said...

I suggest "Farscape" as good alternative viewing.

If you need some extra dough, you might want to try substitute teaching. It will give you something to write about; however, you might write it from a cabin far from humanity in the woods of Montana.

John from Daejeon

DCP said...

Ha, John from Daejeon, I thought you had left. I mentioned you in some comment thread a while back, saying I wished you were still reading the blog so at least somebody would appreciate my Star Trek posts. I never watched Farscape, but everybody said it was really good.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have returned. The internet is wide and varied, and I have so little time to peruse it all. Then, there is the fact that some of your cohorts topics are rather odd to say the least.

I loved "Farscape" so much that I gave "Stargate SG-1" a shot during the last two seasons as the two leads of "Farscape" jumped ship. However, even they could not save the dren that was SG-1.

John from Daejeon