No, that's not from the
Savannah Gazette or some southern newspaper, but
rather from the number one newspaper out of New York City, the
New York Post. Ha ha, just kidding, I know the
Post has a history of racism and bigotry, it's just astonishing that something like this is published in the year 2009. Which is what I said when
this cartoon appeared in the University of Houston's
Daily Cougar in 2005 after Katrina, but whatever. People are dumb eternally I suppose. Let's grow up, ok?
RATING: 1% (after all, it's better than an MS Paint drawing)
Whoa. What? Wait, what is the meaning of this cartoon? Because the only meaning I can come up with will have the Post finally and mercifully burnt down in the very near future...
So confused.
I see how it could be construed as racist, but I doubt that was the intent. It was probably a swipe at intelligence, not race. I think of that Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns shows Homer the room full of monkeys working 'round the clock.
(Reading) "'It was the best of times. It was the BLURST of times'!? You stupid monkey!"
Either way, I'd say that this cartoon is in poor taste.
Well, it's supposedly playing off a recent incident in Connecticut where two officers shoot an ape that was attacking a woman.
But I have no idea how that relates to this cartoon.
This is definitely related to the monkey attacking lady incident because that is ALL over the NY local news today. They keep playing the 911 recording of the lady screaming, "MY CHIMP IS RIPPING MY FRIEND'S FACE OFF!!!" It is extremely fucked up. Almost as fucked up as this cartoon. I'd also like to add that the NY Post is a complete fucking rag that is owned by News Corp, so are you really surprised?
Yeah, it is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
i def. dont understand that cartoon but i think its p funny prolly (monkeys=funny and guns=funny and aewsome)
Where is Lipstick Mom?
That honey was fly.
also i dont get the katirna cartoon but to play devlis advocate its also prolly funny b/c of the good writing and human itneractions
Stop it you cad!
So i just looked at the Katrina cartoon and I am astounded that could make it into ANY paper. At all. Except like, the KKK newsletter or something. Therefore, the UH paper is the KKK newsletter.
Sure, I know it's related to the chimp attack, but I'm sure they didn't just accidentally make the association between the monkey and Obama.
Here's some other gems from the same cartoonist.
Thanks to Loco for the link.
Jesus. I have no love for Heather Mills, and I love me some dark humor, but that one was downright mean-spirited. Does this guy work for Totally Tasteless Toons or something?
Yeah, I still don't get what the chimp attack has to do with Obama.
Have you seen what he looks like? Someone should review his FACE! It is NOT CUTE.
His face is not cute, it is sexy. And yeah, the chimp attack has nothing to do with Obama other than the fact that racists think monkeys and black people are the same species.
Yeah, but with the cartoonist's track record I'm real sure the history of racists drawing black people as monkeys just hadn't occurred to him.
Once when I was teaching freshman about stereotyping in media I pointed out that in a group of anti drug ads we watched all of the ads showing white kids took place in nice, fancy homes whereas the ads featuring black kids were on a street or a basketball court. The students accused me of being a racist for pointing it out.
I think it would be easier to accuse people who see racist tones in this add as subconsciously racist if instead of saying something about the stimulus bill the cops just said "Uh oh, now we're going to have PETA on our backs" or something. But you can't dismiss anything that appears in the media as accidental, especially when it's something with as large a distribution as the New York Post.
But I love jokes about race!
More racial stand-up.
I actually think these are funny.
I miss Dave Chappelle.
Especially the Charlie Murphy/Prince sketch. And Fisticuff.
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