Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hurrah by Versus

Versus was an indie band from the 90s, but they've been broken up for years so stop living in the past. Just kidding - their last album, Hurrah, is really strong. It's full of catchy melodies, but they've got that small bit of oddness that makes them stand out from Creed or Radiohead or whatever other bullshit was on the radio when I was a sophomore in college. It's as though the Pixies crashed into the Zombies while driving on the road of common sense and decency. Hey, it's great fun, so if you're just going to waste your evening away in front of the computer you might as well watch this entire live show from 2000, poindexter.



laurie said...

The fact that you put Creed and Radiohead in the same sentence makes me want to punch you in the face.

John said...

Watch your mouth about Theoryofadeadnickelcreedsmack. They're my fave band, and BNL's too.