Monday, January 26, 2009

UTD Campus Construction

So they're building like 3 new buildings at UTD right now, and you can't get anywhere without going 10 minutes out of your way because the entire campus has been chopped up by huge machines. This would be fine, except there are these douchey signs all over the place that say "UTD: Pardon Our Progress." That isn't an apology, guys, it's an imperative, and a self-congratulatory one at that. A nice thing to say to the paying students who are putting up with your fucking detours and incessant jackhammering would be, "Sorry for the inconvenience." Unfortunately, I'm now going to have to find an alternative alcohol-free spot to enjoy neo-brutalist architecture in the company of BMW drivers talking on cell phones.

RATING: 13%, but it was only about 16% before they started digging giant holes everywhere. FUCK I hate Dallas.

(Photo of $85 million Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Building from


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i dont know wat a utd is is that some kind of brith control

John said...

Hell no. There's nothing hotter than 15,000 skinny Indian males taking computer science on a dry campus. We call it the "Sex Farm."

John said...

And by "we" I mean "me," because I don't have any friends.

laurie said...

I'm still trying to figure out why you chose this university. I can only assume there was some sort of large scholorship (or similar) involved? And what the hell is a "dry campus"? Sounds sacrilegious.

John said...

Scholarship? HA! I pay $9,000 a semester.

Dry=no booze. I came to UTD to work with a specific professor, Fred Turner, who's also been my favorite author for the last 5 or so years. From that angle, it's been worth it, but I had no idea how lame and not fun Richardson would be, or how little conviviality or common interest there would be among the people in my programme, or that my wife and son would have to move back to Canada halfway through my first semester.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll sit in the tub with the lights out and cut myself.

shoppista said...

"Pardon our progress" is, like, the construction industry version of the non-apology "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

you spelled program wrong intenert jon

LipstickMom123 said...

I had no idea you were in construction Jon from Canada! What an exiting career! I know a thing or two about swinging a hammer because my first husband was in contruction. But don't ask me to program the VCR! Ha!