Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reviews Reviews Reviews

So there's yet another blog called Reviews Reviews Reviews. This one only reviews restaurants in the Philippines. I guess that's what you'd call a "niche blog." I think the title is pretty misleading, though. It should just be Reviews. I bet we review more top meat than they do. Chris Loll is a regular bear for his top meat.


(Picture from You wouldn't believe how much stupid Star Wars shit comes up when you google "clone".)


DCP said...

This is horseshit. Although I guess if I wanted to avoid having the same name as other blogs I could have a) done some research b)chosen a less generic name c)I'm too lazy for either of those options.

I like how that's the picture of Chris that keeps getting reused. He looks 17 in that picture, and he's a healthy 21 by now.

John said...

Laziness has evolutionary merit--it saved our ancestors calories while our high strung neighbors starved to death.

Being on this blog late at night is sort of like being at a bar after everyone else has gone home, except sober. And digital.

I'm thinking of suing Starbucks for lost productivity.

LipstickMom123 said...

Well, guys! I guess you really can't control this whole internet thingy, huh? I know how you feel! When I was picking my username, there was already a lipstickmomma, a lipstickmommy, and a lipstickmom4lyfe