Thursday, January 29, 2009


Peanuts are a simple sort of legume that everybody likes except for people who can die as a result of being within several miles of one. Peanuts can be roasted, salted, boiled, candied, chocolate-covered, buttered, or salmonellied. I like them in the shell as a snack because breaking them open takes a little extra time which allows me to savor the idea of Peanut for a little longer. I also delude myself into thinking a peanut is a healthy snack because they are low in carbs. Too bad they are way high in fat (whoops).



Chris said...

I hate to get technical, but peanuts are high in monounsaturated fats.

They're good for your heart since they lower your LDL level and raise your triglycerides. And since peanut butter also quells hunger longer than other foods high in monounsaturated fats it's a much better choice.

The antioxidants in peanuts are the same found in grapes and red wine.

Chris said...

There was also a study out a while ago that found people who eat peanuts a few times a week are less likely to gain weight than those who don't at all.

I have no idea where to find that study now , but it was from a legitimate source.

Chris said...

I know all of this because I love peanuts and peanut butter, and my cholesterol is through the roof.

That is all.

LoCo said...

chris that was the most heartbreaking comment chain ever.

glenn is a pachyderm.

John said...

There's also a carcinogenic mould that grows in peanuts. I can't remember what it's called, but I read about it in Steven Pinker's excellent book, The Blank Slate.

Chris said...

I know Glenn loves his peanuts probably more than I do. The cashew and almond butter companies are out there with their propaganda, and I didn't want him to feel bad about enjoying peanuts.

John said...

Almond butter is OK, but it's way too expensive. It'd be cheaper to eat peanut butter with diamonds in it.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i. jon you spell mold like this mold hth

LipstickMom123 said...

Hey you guys, there's a news report about tainted peanuts in Georgia. So if any of you decides to go to Georgia, Don't Eat The Nuts!!!