Saturday, January 24, 2009


Did you ever wonder what would happen if Jack Bauer was a night watchman at a haunted house? Well I did not, but now I know because I watched this movie last night. See, Jack Bauer (I never actually figured out the character's name) is a down and out cop who was traumatized because of some sort of shooting incident and is not allowed to be a cop anymore (or something like that). He's also a recovering alcoholic and an insomniac (or so it would seem, the background story isn't exactly well developed). To make ends meet he takes this night watchman job at scary burned out department store place, and that's when scary things start to happen. And what's behind the scary? Mirrors. Of course, because everyone knows that mirrors are terrifying. What with their reflectiveness and ability to rip people's jaw right off their face and what not. So some freaky shit happens, Jack's friends and family start thinking he is crazy, he has to look for something called esseker, and well let's just say it ends with a fancy explosion, some fancy Jack Bauer gun action, and a fancy "surprise" ending. Despite the cheesy premise (mirrors, really?), there were some sort of scary moments and I wasn't entirely bored.

Rating: 66%


John said...

I hear once you get the hang of that jaw-ripping thing, you can actually use it to open beer bottles.

Belabras said...

Ugh, hated this movie.

DCP said...

I saw this in the theater, and my friend and I were the only ones there. I guess there were some scary moments, but the premise is just so stupid. Also, how does a movie like this end with a shootout?

laurie said...

Because how else would Jack Bauer kill mirror demons? Duh, Glenn.

LipstickMom123 said...

Wow, what a scary picture! I'm not sure if I've ever seen such a scary picture!