Friday, February 20, 2009

Agharta by Miles Davis

Agharta was the second to last thing Miles Davis recorded before going on a six year retirement from music in order to spend more time doing drugs. It was recorded live, and I gotta say there's drugs all over this thing. It's a frantic, directionless cacophony in which Davis himself only plays the trumpet for about 8 minutes of the 97 minute run time. Still, it's pretty awesome, and like I said before if I had known about Miles Davis in high school I would have never stopped playing the trumpet.



Anonymous said...

Isn't it true there are more drugs in jazz than in rock?

DCP said...

I think probably in the 50s through 70s that was probably true, but nowadays jazz is just so milquetoast that I really can't see drugs being the same problem they once were. I mean, I certainly have trouble imagining Wynton Marsalis even smoking a joint, much less developing a serious problem with heroin. Maybe when something is more counterculture it has a greater tendency to be mired in drugs.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many readers will need to look up the meaning of 'milquetoast'--I had to.

John said...

I heard for the last several years of his life, all Miles Davis did was snort coke and train for boxing.