Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Wrestler

Mickey Rourke is Hulk Hogan or something. No, actually he's Randy "The Ram" Randinski, and he has lots of beautiful blond hair and his face is about to fall off. He's pretty much playing himself, but that's how some of the finest performances have come about.

This movie is SPOILER ALERT pretty good. It's predictable from the moment it begins, but not in a boring way, in sort of a "I can't wait until his daughter rejects him again and Marisa Tomei stops stripping and he dies at the end during this rematch that we've been waiting the whole movie to see" way that makes Oscar-nominated movies stay Oscary. It's worth seeing, but don't expect Requiem For A Dream.

Rating: 64 more lip collagen injections Mickey %


Viking Andrew said...

I have to hate this movie eventhough I haven't seen it because in 2005 I had a story in my thesis called "All the Dead Wrestlers" (see Faulkner's "All the Dead Pilots") that pretty much ran the same plot-line (only worse) and therefore I blame this movie for my rampant alcohol abuse and general poverty.

laurie said...

I have not seen this movie because the trailer made me tear up a bit, and I'm like if the trailer is depressing enough to make me cry then I don't have what it takes to see this movie.

LoCo said...

'king Andrew,

I have, on my laptop, the first chapters of a YA novel written also in 2005, about the daughter of a presidential candidate getting accidentally knocked up and the candidate's PR people using it as a way to promote how big the candidate was on Family Values. If I had actually written the thing and gotten it published in time for Palingate, who would be sitting on a pile of money right now, instead of sleeping in a hooded sweatshirt because she can't afford to turn on the heat? This girl.

Sigh. Write faster, bitch less.

John said...

I dated a girl who had dated a wrestler who hung out with another girl who also dated a wrestler, and I guess wrestler 2 used to slip girl 2 roofies and anally rape her while she was passed out. This happened more than once.

True story.

LoCo said...


John said...

She knew, she just stayed with him anyway. I think he thought it was a big joke, and she had issues.

Viking Andrew said...

Bret Hart?

laurie said...

Damn, how low does your self esteem have to be before you think it's ok to stay with your boyfriend who drugs and anally rapes you? I'm guessing real damn low.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

[insert hitman jonke here]

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...


Anonymous said...

1. I liked this film a lot more than I liked Requiem.

2. The about-to-fall-off face is appopriate, given the character's desperate attempts to keep himself looking youthful.

3. No roofies and anal rape in The Wrestler.

4. I think you might have overly simplified the ending.

5. People shouldn't judge this film before seeing it. A lot of people did the same thing to Brokeback Mountain a few years ago.

LipstickMom123 said...

Oooo... And the muscels on The Rock... Mommy likes!!!