Saturday, September 26, 2009

People who Sleep in Libraries

Are you homeless? Do you have a medical condition that causes you to fall asleep on public couches in the middle of the afternoon beneath incredibly bright fluorescent bulbs? Oh, you do? No. You don't. I know you ain't homeless, bro: your iPod is nearly as loud as your snoring. Look, I know the very thought of using your eyes for anything other than porno sends you into deep neurological shutdown mode. But Jesus. If I drop hardbounded editions of the Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology (yrs. 2006-2008) on the floor and half of your fellow students immediately jet for the emergency exit--believing they've heard a gunshot--and you, you cannot so much as stir, fart and a look around--that's on your drug dealer, man. That's on him.

Rating: 14%


Internet John said...

No one can sleep at the UTD library. If the constant construction doesn't wake you up, the chinamen screaming into their cell phones will.

Internet John said...

Off topic: I've heard the whole downtown of Archer City is a giant used bookstore and I really want to go. I guess it's pricey, but it's a place where rare, first and hardbounded editions of all your fave books can be founded.

Viking Andrew said...

Yes. The bookstore is owned by Larry McMurtry. It's pretty famous, though my understanding is that Larry is rarely there (he spends most of his time in Arizona). But he grew up in A.C. Actually, he just wrote a book about the bookstore. I hear it's a fantastic place. But ¡ojo!, Texas is a big place, and Archer City is not as close to Dallas as it looks.

Internet John said...

The guy I'm TA'ing for gives students bonus points for going there and bringing back a souvenir or photo of them in the store. One of my students founded out the hard way that it's about a 2 hour drive--he thought it would be 40 minutes, and he's from here.

Internet John said...

(Best Amazon 1 star review headline for Books: A Memoir: "Instead, reread Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen.")

Viking Andrew said...

Yeah. Archer City sits in a really weird part of the state, sort of near bigger cities but not really close to any of them. Kind of like Nac.

Viking Andrew said...

I've read Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen. It's pretty good. (WBattheDQ is another McMurtry nonfiction book).

Viking Andrew said...

i.e., the reviewer was not asking somebody to reread Benjamin while at a Dairy Queen.

Internet John said...

Oh, I get it. How charmingly American. I wonder how McMurty feels about Rampant Consumerism and the Promise of Rebirth Through Violence.

Viking Andrew said...

Couldn't tell you. I know he did his PhD at Rice and then a Stegner Fellowship at Stanford. He might have something to say about RCPandtheRTV.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

hey thanks for all the advertisments bros ill be sure to read all those boring books and report back here on how boring they were