Thursday, September 24, 2009


Martyrs is a French horror film from 2008, directed by Pascal Laugier. Horror movie nerds will tell you that Martyrs is part of the recent wave of extreme horror movies coming out of France, films like Frontier(s) and Inside. Martyrs has a somewhat original premise but is marred by a second half that devolves into lengthy torture sequences marked by an almost complete absence of dialogue. Not recommended for the squeamish. Expect an American remake of Martyrs in 2010.

Rating: 55%

(Image from


Internet Crackhead John said...

I love horror, but I hate torture porn movies. It's such a cheap way to scare people.

I prefer sophisticated comedy, like bull testicles and liquor bottles shaped like sperms.

DCP said...

MnnAaaahhhhh, the French!

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

hey yall check out this neat webpage youll get to read neat song lyrics and you may lern something too!

Edditor said...

Italisize the titles of movies please.

Quammy said...

I use the title of the movie in almost every sentence, if I italicize it every time people will think they're having a seizure while they're reading it.

Also, shouldn't a good editor be more concerned with my crappy writing? Seriously, the last two sentences of the review are just filler because I thought a three sentence review might be too much of a cop out.

DCP said...

I don't think Edditor is serious. Also, I never italicize movie titles in the slug line. I mean, it's not like we're turning this site in for credit or something at the end of the semester.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...
