Thursday, September 3, 2009


Gothika is a 1997 film that depicts a future in which everyone dresses like Dick Tracy and scientists use "biometrics" to determine that writer-director Andrew Niccol has no idea how evolutionary developmental biology actually works. The climax of the film, which also serves as a microcosm of its emotional and cognitive impact, depicts an ATM machine in the rain on which the sexy words "valid" and "invalid" flash suggestively next to a grainy picture of Ethan Hawke's rat face (SPOILER: he's "invalid"). In conclusion, if you liked Guernica even a little bit, you'll love Battlefield Earth starring Tom Cruise.

RATING: 82%, apparently

(Image from


DCP said...

Gattica is a great movie. It's like the Matrix but with heart.

Internet John said...

Absolutely. It Succeeds at making us feel like this could really happen.

Internet Robyn said...

You wish you were Winona Rider running your hands through Ethan Hawke's greasy hair. I've heard you sleep talk about it!

Internet John said...

ass hair

laurie said...

I am totally confused by this review. I like Gattaca, but what the hell is Gothika?

Internet John said...

Please don't ask.

DCP said...

It's Halle Berry's best movie. Excuse me, film.

Jude Law said...

Any film that gets people talking about cripples is alright in my books.