Thursday, September 24, 2009

As You Like It

All the world's a stage, and Shakespeare's most indomitable heroine is a woman playing a man playing a woman, played by a man. Still, it's kinda sexist that the women get married instead of becoming CEO's, and no one passes a law saying Rosalind can marry Celia or Phoebe if she wants, so I guess the Bard was a pretty big bastard after all.

RATING: Martha Stewart%

(Image from


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

lol missoginy is tits (tits the adjective not the nouns)

IR said...

You're right, RKT. Being funny is tits as fuck.

It really makes me chuckle that people might ACTUALLY think you are a misogynist. Either they don't get your sense of humor or I don't understand how they don't have one.

Gloria Steinem said...

Face it, hon--not all women are into getting choked mid-coitus. The fact that you're even married (with a slave name!) suggests that Shakespearean "festive conclusion" has already made a turncoat out of you.

For shame.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

internet robin if u and internet jon renwe your vows or get marrried again (after divorce) yall shld make the pries or judge marrying you say: do you, intenret jon, take internet robin to be your... ect

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

man that was alot of shit to type and i kind of regret it