Sunday, September 27, 2009


ATP is a damnable lie perpetrated by hell-bound atheists and Jew doctors. The only enzyme substrate in my signal transduction pathways is G-O-D.

RATING: 666%

(Image from


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

word now this is a review from the hart!

Internet Robyn said...

If you have any faith at all you are completely delusional.

G-O-D in your D-N-A.

Internet John said...

I learned everything I know about biology from Gattaca. It's like The Matrix, but with heart.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

hey dont tell me about how dumb faith is mr. and mrs. swear an oath to god that yall will stay together and have babies nonstop

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i mean mr. and mrs. swear-an-oat-to-g*d-that-yall-will-etc.etc. ect.

Internet John said...

Well "MacEachern" actually means "horse breeder" in Gaelic, so there you go.

("Son of son of horse breeder," actually. My whole fam loves livestock and their swollen testicles.)