Saturday, November 8, 2008


#45 on Glenn's Top 100 Movie List

Maybe about 60 or 70 of the movies on my list are murder mysteries. Ah well! One of my life goals is to solve a murder. Wouldn't that be sweet? Anyway, although this movie can be held to blame for every copycat psychological murder thriller that followed it, it is actually great. So even if hundreds of awful movies try to copy this one, you can't really blame this one, can you? I love the neo noir style, the raining nondescript city (that's right next to a desert? What, is this Springfield?), and the careful writing. Then, last year when Fincher made Zodiac he totally shucked the convention he created with this movie. Oh, what a genius!



John said...

It's no Saw 5, but I liked it. That dude who chewed his own lips off and who everyone thought was dead but wasn't was pretty freaky.

Anonymous said...

saw v
*holds fingers up like a v*
*hates saw v*