Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pomegranate Tootise Pop

Sometime long ago Americans began to refine their palate and the lame "foodie" explosion began. Now, there are a ton of people with blogs (lame) writing about food (losers) and "discovering" things folks (like you and me) knew long before. I mostly blame these assholes (possibly you) for the creation of things like the pomegranate tootsie pop. Really, pomegranate? Maybe I should place the blame on America's new reluctance to anything unhealthy (pomegranate is a superfruit, afterall). Despite my skepticism, the pomegranate tootsie pop is actually good. Sure it doesn't actually taste like pomegranate, but does watermelon candy ever taste like a watermelon? No, because if it did then I'd just eat the fruit instead. Plus, tootsie pops have that chocolate center or whatever.



John said...

The pomegranate is also the key to the land of the dead. Jesus was always eating them in The Last Temptation of Christ. They're a real bitch to eat, though.

Anonymous said...


DCP said...

Oh, I get it, things that suck.