Friday, April 3, 2009

Reese's Pieces

Reese's Pieces have a mélange of sugar, fat and salt that's pleasing to aliens as well as humans (I mean real aliens, not lamewad Star Trek aliens.) What I like best about Reese's Pieces is that they've mastered the apostrophe, a subtle but important aspect of English punctuation that has thus far eluded Douche Hortons. If Hershey would only introduce an avocado green Reese's piece, you could spill them in your grandparents' rec room and no one would ever know.

RATING: Better than Smarties%

(Image from


Robyn said...

Shag carpet is totally a part of the cornucopia awesomeness. So is a medium double/double.

John said...

Is that some sort of white girl sex thing?

R. said...

What is this 'white' you refer to?

my computer is so FRENCH!

Timmaaay!!! said...

Come to think of it, my grandpa had an orange chair with different colo(u)red speckles on it. That chair was exactly the same shades as Reese's Pieces!

Thanks for giving kudos to Reese's apostrophe awareness.

John said...

Yeah, to some writer's great shame the apostrophe never quite gets it's due.

Heh heh heh.