Dinosaur Jr. is a band from the 80s that is sort of like Sonic Youth if they crashed into 70s guitar solos and left a lot of rubble, and I mean a lot. Everybody says this is their best album, and I guess it inspired "
Teenage Riot" which is awesome, but it's not really as palatable as SY to be honest. I can imagine I'd be in
love with it had I bought it in high school, but now it's just tough to learn to digest a relatively new sound. Guess I'm old, but "them's the breaks" (Christopher Marlowe).
Yeah, if you look in the dictionary next to "palatable," I think you'll see an ASCII pic of Thurston Moore.
"thems the brakes" -- barrack obamma 1998
"thems the brakes" -- jack black, the matrix 2001
Don't nobody get stabbed in the eye like Kit Marlowe.
The Dead Shepherd.
Shakespeare may have been the superior writer, but he went out like a bitch when compared to Marlowe.
Well, dying after a massive drinking bout with Ben Jonson is pretty badass too. They were both rockstars in lace collars, when you get right down to it. My favorite Marlowe quote is,
"He who loves not boys and tobacco is a fool!"
It never seems to show up the same way twice, but you get the gist--smoking and catamism.
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