Monday, April 20, 2009

Fever Ray: Fever Ray

Imagine if you crossed Air with Bjork, took away 15% of the fun, and added a splash of something kind of dark. And that's this album.

Rating: 72%


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i used to be p. into sugar ray but then they tot. sold out after "when its over"

John said...

Haven't listened to Air in a while. What were we talking about?

McT's Girlfriend said...

To me, when it comes to techo sound, Fever Ray along with Black Bile are in a class by themselves. Their charm is that they don’t respect themselves, their music nor their audience. It’s said that they never wash, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but good if it is. They’re beautifully nasty and do lots of shit stuff. When I need a counterweight to all the cheesy iTunes crap I look to schizophrenic mother fuckers like Fever Ray. These guys plus a 26er of Chivas will get me through the worst of days. That’s all I got, done, kaput, färdiga!!!!

laurie said...

Too bad Fever Ray is a solo act (one woman) and not techno.

McT's Girlfriend said...

Oh shit, this is turning out to be one of my bad days then...I just hope that Chivas is real and not another delusion.

Anonymous said...


On R3 it's O.K. to bullshit about wine, but not about song. Even if you're mentally ill.

John said...

@ Lars
Don't listen to them--this is the blogosphere. Ignorance of the facts has never stopped me from complaining about feminism, or Glenn from disparaging the literary value of Tolkien or Harry Potter, or Laurie from bitching about relationships, or Viking Andrew from joking about semi-anonymous sexual encounters and blow.

Here at R3 we endorse a robust pluralism. If someone says you're wrong, just tell them they're boring.

laurie said...

That is pretty much how we operate around here. It's really quite alright to call me a jerk, too.

McT's Girlfriend said...


Magna res est vocis et silentii temperamentum.

laurie said...

Now that's just not fair.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

blogspots gonna have to start charging for bandwidth