Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins

Well, we all pretty much know this album, but I think it suffers from severe top heavy syndrome. That is, it's strong right out of the gate, but it runs out of gas after Rocket. Five great tracks in a row ain't no slouch I guess. I do love Silverfuck and Geek USA, but that's about it on the second half. Anyway, if you slept through the past fifteen years you might not know this album after all, but it's good. I won't say buy it because of the depression, but you can probably borrow it from somebody pretty easily.



John said...

This is a great album--the best thing they ever did. I think you're wrong about the second half of the album, though. "Mayonaise" is great. "Spaceboy" is great and has a very distinctive solo. "Luna" is kind of slow, but it fits with the other songs. Maybe they're not drivin' tunes, but they're not boring.

Jacqui said...

What about "Disarm"? That's a pretty good song from the second half. Maybe a little overplayed, but it's still a good song.

Also, I really have to find this album, which is lost somewhere in the mess of my CD collection.

John said...

Did I say "Spaceboy" had a distinctive solo? I meant "Mayonaise." I can't even remember if "Spaceboy" has a solo.

Billy Corgan is an egomaniac and he looks like a total douche with his head shaved.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yet another early-to-mid-90s album with "First Half Syndrome". It's a pretty strong album, but I agree that it loses steam along the way.