Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 CE

2008 was an ok year I guess. I got an MFA which was sweet, and also The Dark Knight came out which was also pretty cool if you ask me. There was some bullshit, though. Like for instance there was this economic thing I don't understand, but whatevs, I guess it was about time for a recession according to history who am I, Alan Greenspan? Also, war, starvation, poverty, and disease managed to go another year without being eliminated but on the other hand Iron Man was also great so it ends out of the red.


PS - That drawing is to scale.


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

first post of 2209

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

happy new yeer glen i hope all your dreams comee true this year

John said...

It looks like a fried egg drawn by a retarded child.