Wednesday, December 10, 2008

NyQuil Sinus Capsules

I can clearly remember a time when NyQuil could knock me the fuck out. In high school, a neat little 30 ml cup would have me passed out in no time, killing everything living inside me as I slept, and when I woke I was feeling as good as new. I don't know what was in it then. And I don't know what's in it now, but my guess is crushed peppermints, Hi-C, and Vaseline. I took two of these caps last night and stayed on to edit a 15-page term paper, then to lie sadly in bed coughing at the ceiling for a good half hour before I finally fell asleep, only to wake up repeatedly to cough sadly again. What? What did I just pay $7.50 for? For a dollar less, I could've gotten a Bombay & tonic and slept a lot better, let me tell you.



John said...

You need to get you a bottle of drank.

laurie said...

I think if you have a cough you need the traditional NYQuil.