Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lake Huron

Lake Huron is the most underrated of the Great Lakes because no one usually even remembers it's a Great Lake (unless you live in Michigan or Ontario or whatever), but it's home to the Storm of 1913 that killed over 235 sailors and sank 10 ships, so you oughta' respect. Although it's the 4th or 5th (tomato tamato) largest freshwater lake in the World it's only the 2nd largest Great Lake, but nice try pal.



Anonymous said...

Lake effect snow from Huron: 1% (it's better than malaria)

Chris said...

Thanks for ditching us at trivia last night. It's okay since we ended up splitting $300 three ways.

DCP said...

I think that's Sean from Windsor and not Sean from Maine.

Chris said...

Windsor, Canada?

That would explain the Huron lake effect snow.

Thanks for ditching us anyway, Sean. If you haven't yet, you will soon enough.

Anonymous said...

For meteorology enthusiasts:
There is no lake effect snow in Windsor; not enough water. I now live in Kitchener, where there is lake effect snow.

I did bail on John a few entries ago...

Anonymous said...

whos shawn