Friday, October 17, 2008


Witches are best known for still being feared all over the south, like in Lake City, Florida. Everybody's always like "Pagan This" or "Witchcraft That" as though they're stealing children and praying to the devil. Witches have only been the subject of awful movies: Hocus Pocus, The Witches, Practical Magic, etc. If you date somebody in high school who thinks witches are sooo romantic, omg, then get ready, I bet they don't shave their armpits and smell like dirt. In the olden days people used to burn independent women at the stake and claim they were witches. We've come so far (sarcasm)!


1 comment:

John said...

It's important not to blindly export ahistorical judgements into the past. These days, everyone seems to think that those witches were just olden day feminists who wouldn't play by The Man's rules. The thing is, they probably were witches in the sense that they were practicing a pre-Christian pagan religion with elements of sympathetic magic (eye of newt and all that), and most of the time the people who persecuted them were acting in good faith about something they honestly believed was a threat. Of course, they were wrong, but they weren't burning witches because they were all a bunch of sexists misogynists who thought women should be at home in the kitchen.

Not saying it's cool to burn witches. I just object to how people colonize the past with modern PC ideology.