Monday, October 27, 2008

Space Aliens

In my opinion space aliens are the shit. I'm pretty sure somewhere in the universe they exist, and learned to travel to Earth through time warps or wormholes. Maybe their God decided to help them out just a little more by sharing the secrets of the universe, but maybe they're just way smarter. Aliens get a kick out of fucking with us by sending their early model pie tin spaceships to Earth so people can flip out and take photographs. Come on guys, you think those are capable of surviving intergalactic travel? Also, every once in a while they'll abduct someone and do experiments on them, but it's all in good fun, and at least you got a free trip to space. It costs $30 million to get the Russians to take someone into space. You got a great deal, so why don't you whine some more about how they took your baby.


1 comment:

John said...

Anal probes. You forgot to mention the endless anal probes. I looked on Youtube for the kids in the hall skit, but it wasn't there:

"You know, we've been doing anal probes on Earthlings for years now, and all we've discovered in all that time is that one in 5 doesn't seem to mind."

"Would you like to see my collection of rectal photography?"

"No, I would hate to."