Sunday, October 5, 2008

Singing "Roxanne" in Rock Band II

"Roxanne" is such an awesome song that when it came up on our random setlist on Rock Band II I was like, yes! This is the song I dream about singing! I know "Roxanne" and like "Roxanne" so I temporarily forgot that I am not, in fact, Sting, and cannot pull off a lovely falsetto like he can. Consequentially, I sounded like a strangled cat. I had to take many lubricating gulps of my margarita (the secrert of all the Top-40 singers, btw) in order to be able to sustain the high level of screechiness required to pass the song. My fellow bandmates rocked on, all politely oblivious to my fertility-chant-at-the-moon version of this 80s hit. I passed, but my performance was not stellar. Tips: Warm up before "Roxanne"! Switch maybe from margarita to something like water, or bourbon. You're welcome!


(Image courtesy of Sting, my close personal friend. What up, Sting-ray!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol i look so fat in that pic. thanx for the compliments on roxanne.