Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Basketball is just another amazing contribution America has offered the world. After all, while baseball is America's favorite past time the game is rooted in some culture from across the Atlantic or something. Basketball is so incredibly simple that I'm surprised it took someone until the late 1800's to figure out the idea. It's fast paced and you don't need a huge field to play it on or a lot of equipment. I was really into the NBA as a kid, but now I think it's kind of boring. I guess I can't say the NBA is the predictor of how I should rate basketball because it's now popular all over the world. Oh wait, yes I can.



DCP said...

If by "America" you mean "Canada," then you are correct, it is another contribution to the world.

John said...

Typical arrangement--we supply the brains, and the Yanks provide the money and sweating bodies. Just wait 'til they realize that our pathetic dollar is just a ruse, and that we're planning to close the border as soon as all of Hollywood moves to British Columbia.

Chris said...

Whatever. What the fuck was a Canadian doing in America then? If it weren't for rowdy/ugly Americans he would have never had the need to invent the game.

He was a naturalized American too. You lot love to double dip.

John said...

Do we ever.

Anonymous said...

Yanks? Only the wimpiest of us.

shoppista said...

That is a very impressive basketball. Photorealistic! I think you have some kind of future as an artist specializing exclusively in the medium of Microsoft Paint.