Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Okay so this isn't a review, but can all of our reviewers please send me your email? We occasionally get emails regarding our reviews and I'd like to be able to pass them on to the individual reviewer or group. So please send me your email addresses to the address. Thanks.
Review for this post: LAME. That's not even a review. Rating: 1.2%
I'm a neurotic self-editor, and I'm starting to hate seeing posts with 2 or 3 comments that are all mine, so I've been trying to fit them all into one.
I'm also the kind of person who thinks up witty things to say 2 hours after the fact. So I just try to roll with that.
I bet it's all hate mail from angry Star Trek TNG fans or mail from admiring dogs and ponies who want my phone number.
As a general policy upon receiving such emails, we should probably all encourage such readers to post comments rather than emailing us.
Unless they're dirty emails. I'll especially take those.
You win the award for most revised comment. Maybe I should disable e-mail notifications of comments on this blog.
PS - Let me know next time you want to pop in to H-Town. There's actually a guest room now.
I really enjoyed reading the progression of the comment.
I'm a neurotic self-editor, and I'm starting to hate seeing posts with 2 or 3 comments that are all mine, so I've been trying to fit them all into one.
I'm also the kind of person who thinks up witty things to say 2 hours after the fact. So I just try to roll with that.
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