Sunday, October 26, 2008


Nightmares are a kind of thing that keeps sleep interesting. You never know when you go to sleep if it's going to be a fun restful time, or if you're going to dream that somebody pushes you off a cliff naked and then you wake up sweaty and scared. The nightmare I've had that I remember most is that I paid some doctor to remove my skeleton, and then any time anybody touched my skullless head I would lose memories and get dumber. Naturally all my friends thought it was funny to touch my head over and over. So nightmares are bad to have but funny to explain to people, much like bad drug trips or the 2000 presidential election. See how topical we are here at R3?



Chris said...

Typically my nightmares involve space aliens, but it's really not so bad. At least there's a possibility you could go into space.

shoppista said...

I have scary haunted-house dreams that I actually enjoy, even though I sometimes wake up screaming.

I guess this explains how it is I like horror movies so much.

Your skeleton-removal dream is very creepy, though.

John said...

What do you think would happen if they beat your soft head with a stick or bat?