Saturday, February 16, 2008

Take 5

This is the best candy bar invented in the last 15 years. One point of contention, though, is that it counts peanuts and peanut butter as two separate elements of the so-called "5." Well, the ingredients of peanut butter are peanuts, so lame. Anyway, the Smores bar they used to have was also pretty good, but I feel like it was less inspired because it was made up to copy some real thing. Like if they suddenly had a pumpkin pie bar - oh wait, that is an awesome idea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would totally buy a pumpkin pie bar! I love anything with pumpkin in it. Actually, tonight I'm attempting to make Penne-Wise Pumpkin Pasta. Yeah. We'll see how that goes.

Crossing fingers,