Monday, February 18, 2008


Poetry is a good sort of concept I guess. It's like stories or thoughts for people who have short attention spans like me. Too bad most poetry is boring. It's all "I'm sad" this or "look at this art that isn't here" that or "words words words" etc. They should have a kind of poetry with more boobs and explosions and that would solve a lot of problems I think.



John said...

The kind of poetry you're talking about has only really been around since the Romantic era, although in the last century the majority of it has gone from sentimental-rhyming-emo to therapeutic-nonrhyming-emo. There are lots of great long poems that tell great, violent stories--The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aneid, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and all kinds of other ones.

Try them, try them, Sam-I-Am,

You will like Green Eggs and Sir Orfeo.

Actually, that's not fair, because I'm equally biased and partisan, just at the other end. Ah, the conflict intractable in its own terms--the most universal structure in the, uh, universe.

Anonymous said...

Wow 31%! Poor poetry.

Funny that you mention this though, because my thesis is pretty much focusing on boobs and explosions. I'm titling it: Big Jugs, No Bra, High Octane.

Maybe when this wins the Yale Younger Series, the poetry rating will go up to--say--a 36%. Just saying.
